Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Proper Sunday Feast

We went to town on this one.  A proper British town.  All courtesy of Jamie Oliver.

Perfect Roast Beef, pg.  192.  Don't remember what cut we used, but it wasn't what we should have.  Also, the oven got shut off instead of turned down.  It turned out not quite as good as it should have, but still good.

Roasted Potatoes, Parsnips and Carrots, pg 202.  Yum.  Finally used up the rest of the CSA carrots and parsnips.  Could have boiled the taters a bit longer I think, but otherwise delicious.  Roast garlic = awesome.

A consistently good gravy was not had.  The meat pan veg didn't get cooked enough, and we were way out of time by this point anyway.

Yorkshire Pudding, pg 209.  My goodness, these were interesting.  And by interesting I mean delicious.  They puffed up maybe 3 or 4 inches above the muffin pan.  Yum.

And then, to top it all off, we watched a couple episodes of British TV (Doc Martin).  Good day to you sir.

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